Fyrir Apple Watch 38mm Milanese Loop Magnetic Ryðfrítt stál Watchband Tíðir Apple úrbönd (Fyrir Apple Watch Series 3 / 2 / 1 )
efni: Stainess Steel
millistykki: 42mm Apple Watch Series 2 / 3 / 1
stærð: 22.5×2cm
Litur: felulitur Blue, Camouflage Grey, Camouflage White
Eiginleikar Vöru:
1. Easy to adjust the length to fit your wrist.
2. Unique design loop type clasp.
3. Woven stainless steel mesh with adjustable magnetic closure, become soft, make your wearing more comfortable.
4. Steel buckle, fine grinding and polishing, long service life.
5. Tísku hönnun, simple, durable and elegant.
6. High quality alternative strap to replace your strap.
7. Easy to install.
8. samhæft Model: Apple Watch 42MM Series 1 / 2 / 3
pakki Þyngd:
þyngd(1 stykki): 0.08kg(0.18pund)/stykki
Magn á umbúðum: 100
öskju Þyngd: 7.2kg / 15.87pund
öskju stærð: 46cm * 27cm * 33cm / 18.11tomma * 10.63tomma * 12.99tomma
A modern interpretation of a design developed in Milan at the end of the 19th century. Woven on specialized Italian machines, slétt ryðfríu stáli möskva hula fluidly um úlnliðinn. Og vegna þess að það er fullkomlega segulmagnaðir, Milanese Loop er óendanlega stillanleg, tryggja fullkomna passa. Eins og allar Apple úrbönd, þú getur passa þetta band með hvaða Apple Watch ræða sömu stærð.
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